Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust of New Zealand | Te Whare Waituhi Tamariki o Aotearoa

Storylines Tom Fitzgibbon Award Entry Form

Storylines Tom Fitzgibbon Award Entry Form

Entries to be received by 5.00pm on 31 October each year

Proudly sponsored by Scholastic New Zealand

This form (including declaration) must be completed in full and must accompany your manuscript. Please also read and complete the checklist.

Entry Requirements

  1. Supply the text of the manuscript and a one-page synopsis as PDF files (see below).
  2. Manuscripts should be 12pt Times Roman font, in 1.5 or single line spacing. 
  3. The entrant’s name SHOULD NOT be on any part of the manuscript.
  4. Stories should be suitable for ages 8- 12 years, with a word count between 25,000 and 45,000. Please note the word count on the title page.
  5. A synopsis of no more than one page in length (i.e. not a blurb) should be included.

Entries will NOT be returned and will be destroyed securely. All submissions will be treated with confidence and remain the intellectual property of the author. Authors can submit more than one entry provided EACH submission has a completed entry form and the applicable entry fee is paid.


I have read and understood the following eligibility criteria:

  1. I am normally a resident in New Zealand and a New Zealand citizen by birth, naturalisation or immigration, or have held a Permanent Residence Permit in New Zealand for a period of at least TWO (2) years at the closing date for submissions. New Zealand citizens or permanent residents as defined here but who are living overseas temporarily are eligible if their absence is for LESS than two (2) years at the closing date for submissions.
  2. I have not applied for or received any financial assistance towards this project.
  3. This manuscript is an original piece of work and has not appeared in any format i.e. has not been published (either by self-publishing or a small publishing house) in either print or digital format for trade (books sold through normal retail or online bookstores) or for educational purposes or be anywhere in the process of publication.
  4. The manuscript is suitable for children aged 8 - 12 years.
  5. Word count is between 25,000 and 45,000 words and is noted on the title page.
  6. I have included a synopsis of no more than one (1) page in length (i.e. not a blurb).
  7. My name is not on any part of my manuscript.
  8. I have paid my entry fee of $20.00 per title for members or $40.00 per title for non-members via online banking or via the Storylines website.
  9. I have attached a copy of the text of the manuscript as a PDF file.
  10. Entries will NOT be returned and will be destroyed securely.
  11. All submissions will be treated with confidence and remain the intellectual property of the author.
  12. Authors can submit more than one entry provided EACH submission has a completed entry form and applicable entry fee is paid.
  13. I cannot request any alteration to my manuscript after it has been submitted.
  14. I understand that the winning manuscript will be subject to Scholastic NZ’s normal editing processes.
  15. The winner will be notified by phone and a media release will be made after the presentation of the award at the annual Storylines Margaret Mahy National Awards Day.
  16. No correspondence will be entered into and the judges decision is final.
  17. The winner will maintain confidentiality until the presentation.
  18. The winner will be required to provide a photograph and short biography for media publicity and the Storylines website.
  19. I understand that the award is judged ‘blind’, therefore my name does not appear on any part of my manuscript.
  20. I declare that the details given on the entry form are correct and I have not used a nom de plume.
  21. I understand that my manuscript is not eligible if it does not comply with the above.


Please enter your name below as a signature for this award entry, this confirms that you have agreed to our full terms and conditions of entry.

Entry Fee: $40.00
Entry Fee: $0.00
Entry Fee: $20.00
Entry Fee: $20.80

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