Over 100 volunteers are gearing up to help Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust run the 17th annual Auckland Storylines Free Family Day, to be held at the Aotea Centre on Sunday 22 August from 10am-3pm.
With a focus on the very best in New Zealand writing and book illustration for children, this free day, geared for kids aged 4-12 and their families, has key guests, performances and activities to entertain throughout the day.
In Auckland, families can see 30 authors, storytellers, performers and illustrators at the centre of a huge range of activities, from experimentation with kites and creating comic books, book marks or book illustrations. All day, performances from schools and professional drama companies bring new and favourite New Zealand children’s books to life, while a large non-fiction area caters for children of all ages who are interested in the way books tell real stories about ourselves and the world around us.
The prize-giving for the Puffin Short Story Writing competition, which attracted hundreds of entries in three categories in the first half of the year, is at 1pm, alongside Puffin’s 70th anniversary exhibition of book covers.
Add book launches, the chance to meet favourite authors and illustrators, the opportunity to hear favourite books read aloud, writing and illustration competitions, along with book talks, artists at work and book signing sessions – the 2010 Storylines Family Day promises to be a real celebration of New Zealand kids’ books of all kinds and an opportunity to share with others the joy and magic in the thousands of books and stories on display.
This year, in conjunction with the 15th anniversary of Duffy Books in Homes, free buses bring children from participating Duffy schools into central Auckland to enjoy the day.
The Storylines Festival of New Zealand Children’s Writers and Illustrators aims to involve as many young people as possible in reading and enjoying books by New Zealand writers and illustrators. In addition to the free Family Day, a number of other activities take place.
Takapuna Library plays host to The House That Jack Built exhibition of original works from the book by children’s writer/illustrator Gavin Bishop.
In the week before the Family Day, the Auckland Story Tour takes writers and illustrators to visit 54 schools and early childhood centres around the region.
And on Saturday 21 August, workshops for aspiring young writers and artists complete the festival programme.
Storylines Festival of New Zealand Children’s Writers and Illustrators
- Storylines Free Family Day, Wellington, Wellington Town Hall and Capital E: Sunday 15 August 2010, 10am-3pm.
- Storylines Free Family Day, Christchurch, Christchurch Town Hall: Sunday 15 August 2010, 10am-3pm.
- Storylines Auckland Story Tour to schools and early childhood centres: Auckland region, Monday 16 – Friday 20 August.
- Storylines Free Family Day Northland, Whangarei Central Library and Old Library Arts Centre, Saturday 21 August 2010, 10am-2pm.
- Auckland Workshops – various locations around the Auckland region, Saturday 21 August. Age limits apply to each workshop.
- Storylines Free Family Day, Auckland, Aotea Centre, THE EDGE, Sunday 22 August, 10am-3pm.
Many Storylines Family Day participants are available for interview. A full programme for Storylines Family Days and workshops, with regular updates, is available on our website.