
Stuart Lipshaw

Stuart Lipshaw  has a BA (Hons) from the University of Canterbury, and a Diploma in Publishing from Whitireia Polytechnic.

He is managing editor at New Zealand’s biggest publishing house, Penguin Random House NZ, and works with many of Aotearoa’s finest writers to make incredible books. Writing a book of his own has been a lifetime dream come true – and he stayed up late at night for months to make it happen.

He lives in Auckland with his wife Bridget and their three energetic boys, Marcus, Eddie and Zach.

Stuart Lipshaw_2022

Selected bibliography:

  • Oh Boy: A storybook of epic NZ men (Puffin, 2018)
  • Good Sports (Puffin 2023)


  • Storylines Notable Non-fiction Book Award 2019 for Oh Boy: A storybook of epic NZ men

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